Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What is the difference between Fizzion and Nature's Miracle or Simple Solution?

Nature’s Miracle is an enzymatic solution that can take up to several hours just to activate.  Enzymatic cleaners use a bioprocess to help remove the odor, but because enzymes are so sensitive, strong detergents needed to eliminate the  stain cannot be incorporated because they will deactivate the enzymes so the mess is left half treated. 
Simple Solution is an enzymatic solution as well but it also introduces what they call a “good bacteria” into your home that are supposed to speed up the process of breaking down the odor.  The problem is the “good bacteria” are not selective in where they choose to inhabit (meaning that they will not necessarily remain on the stain you put them on).  If not careful, this can cause bacterial colonies in areas that are conducive to their growth around the persons home causing them to begin feeding on other chemicals and creating additional odors around the home.  Finally, because Simple Solution is also enzymatic, the process still can take several minutes or hours to activate and still only half treats the mess.
Fizzion does not use enzymes at all. There is no waiting time whatsoever and the impact Fizzion makes on the stain and odor is instant and permanent.  Fizzion achieves this in three ways: 1. The use of a proprietary blend of cleaners to create an unmatched detergency that removes the two most stubborn components of urine from the material or fabric.   2.  It forms a shield around the stain while it works on it which immediately reduces odors.   3. To prevent the odor from returning, Fizzion's powerful CO2 action makes the normally insoluble uric acid in urine soluble, so that it can be removed from the surface never to return.

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